Thursday, March 5, 2020

One Small Dog

If I’m honest, the whole shady exchange felt like a drug deal; or how I imagined a drug deal would be transacted.

After losing our beloved Abby (from old age), we had been without a dog for four years. I’d sworn steadfastly that I would never have another dog; losing her had been too painful.

But after four years, the rooms in our house echoed with a silence that could only be filled, realistically, with something small and fluffy.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

The Side Trip

I’ll be the first to admit that we can be somewhat overzealous travelers, but the journey we attempted from Dubrovnik, Croatia to Mostar, Bosnia was nothing less than harrowing, even for us.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

A Slippery Slope

One might think that one could safely stand on a rickety stool and reach an item on a high shelf. One may even think that this could be accomplished without mishap.

But no, not necessarily. One can slip off the stool, backwards, and one can strike one’s head against the corner of a bed frame. And such an event could befall one when one is completely alone in the house.

This could happen. This did happen.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Theory of Relativity

I sat in the sterile waiting room, clutching an unopened issue of Popular Mechanics, dread seeping in from all sides. And when the technician approached with his obligatory dingy clipboard, I knew my worst fears had been realized.

"Your vehicle failed the smog," he said, dispassionate enough to border on indifference.

This had never actually happened to me, and I stared at him blankly for a minute, trying to process exactly what he might mean by that.

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Incredible Shrinking Woman

Almost every Sunday, I sit in the 4th pew from the altar at the 1:15 Spanish mass. It's not an ideal spot, since the vent for the air conditioner is perched directly above us, leaving us stunted with cold, and shafts of sunlight pierce the slanted windowpanes at a cruel angle. But that's where my mother insists that we sit. She wants to get a good seat, like it's a production of Hamilton.

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Reckless Ones

I’d never seen water quite that shade of clear-sky blue, and I’d never seen men quite as shifty as the two that stood in front of us on the beach in Negril, Jamaica. One man wore a UC Berkeley t-shirt and the other wore a faded fedora.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Temporary Roommates

The most concerning moment came when we thought the car had been stolen.

The children were home from college for winter break. Of course, we were happy to see them, needless to say. It’s just that they are no longer children, and I started noticing some, well, irregularities in our otherwise carefully ordered lives.